... ere the winter storms begin.
I looked out the window this morning when I woke up, and everything was white.
Craftiness, cats, food, nature, miscellany, and being married to the best guy ever.
While my parents were in the hospital after their motorcycle accident in September, their cat Shadow ran away. In the last couple of weeks they have adopted two delightful new beasties from the local shelter, and I was elated to get to meet them in person this week. This one is a spritely young girl named Callie. She is full of tricks like the sideways Halloween Cat walk (which I hope to capture on video), and she is a wool sucker. My dad is clearly her favorite human.
The other lucky new family member is Julius, a brown classic tabby with white socks and a lot of black in his coloring. He has been fighting a bad respiratory infection since they got him. I took him to the vet on Monday and he is feeling better every day. I don't like being photographed when I don't feel well, so I will afford him the same courtesy for now. I hope to get a picture of his golden amber eyes and wise mien before I leave in a week!
Bring these to your next communal feast! Spread the chocolate mint goodness around.
Apparently the FSM's noodly appendages were keeping my sister's birthday card from getting to me until today, but it was worth the wait. I LOLled.
Kim -- If you're reading this, I'm not sure which one of us is which.