15 July 2011


About 16% of license plates in Virginia carry a personalized message. Personalized plates are inexpensive here, and perhaps we who live in the area around DC also like to express ourselves just a bit too much. Whatever the reason, it makes for interesting reading while sitting in traffic -- another trait for which we are known.

I've always been a fan of personalized plates. When I lived in Michigan, I got a plate that told people behind me to "BP8IENT" when my 1998 Chevy Tracker didn't scoot away as fast as they might like. I kept the plate when I got a car with a bit more pep. Here's a photo of my Matrix parked next to a car with a contradictory message:

BP8IENT vs. IMP8NT (pardon the lights, I know it's a bad picture!)
When I moved to Virginia I got the same license plate.

Don't make me come over there.
I often spot my vanity plate nemesis driving on VA-28 when I'm on my way to work. 

NOTE: Safe driving is a full-time job. Since this was taken on 28 during rush hour, neither of us were doing much driving.

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