A couple of months ago I switched to a new blog template. At home I use either Chrome or Firefox for an Internet browser, so I had no idea that my pictures were not showing up for readers who use Internet Explorer.
So I've switched again! I hope this one works for everyone. And I can't think of anything else to make amends and lure you back, than a picture of this neat-o mutant flower. And by "mutant", I mean very special.
No worries... but wow, do I feel silly! I lost your blog.
I stopped by to say thanks for the words of support for Whiskey, Joy, Jim and Jess. And then I saw all the posts I'd missed!!! (And I saw the new format - we considered this template for Space Paws, btw!!)
When I switched from visiting through the links in the sidebar to visiting using reader, I thought I'd transferred everyone. Over time, I've discovered I missed people. (And, really, I could swear I've written this to you before so what the heck happened, I just don't know!!! I just checked reader after adding you... again??... and you are definitely there now!)
Anyway... boy am I behind... but today's post about not trying to catch up anymore not withstanding, I'll be back to see how you've been when it's not 4am (I'm trying to get by to thank everyone... this is Joy and Jim's first exposure on the bog and they were just so touched and overwhelmed by all the support.)
But until then... congratulations to you and Rob!!! :-)
Did the drive by and the last time I was here... whoa!... was your engagement post. And (hangs head in shame), I'd forgotten! But, at least I'll be here for the wedding!
Yay! And it's only 3 months away ... yikes!
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